Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Three months from today.

On August 28, 2014, I will be unpacking suitcases, adjusting furniture in my new apartment, and hugging my parents, giving them my final goodbye before I set off on my next adventure in Washington. It will probably be one of the hardest nights of my life. I've never travelled far from my parents for long periods of time, and that's on purpose. I almost didn't go to Trevecca, even though I had fallen in love with the school when I was a child. But by the will of God, my family moved down to Nashville for my dad's job. I wouldn't be at Trevecca right now if it weren't for that.

So here I am, cramming as much AP Style and politics knowledge into my brain so I don't make a fool of myself in the nation's capital. For a little over three months, 109 days to be exact, I will call Washington my home. 

As I said before, I don't travel far from home for long trips. I just enjoy the comfort of being around the familiar: places, people, and family. I don't do well with big changes in my life. New chapters, life  turning points. Moving to Nashville tore me apart, but it was the greatest thing to happen to me. I had to start over completely, but I've fallen in love with this place. It's been so rewarding to try and take advantage of the opportunities around me here in this city, but it's time for me to go elsewhere for a bit.

I am scared out of my mind. What if I forget to bring something really important? What if I have a mental breakdown and need somewhere to go cry? What if something big happens in Nashville and I can't make it home for it?

These fears, along with many other things, have made me question my decision to move over 600 miles away from everything I know. I'd been arguing with God over this for so long, hoping His answer would change and that He'd allow me to skip this semester in Washington, but He never did. Instead, God continually gave me reminders of His promise to be with me always no matter where I was. But I was still so scared of what was to come in that huge city. And then I read a line in a book that rocked me to the core:

"Do the thing you fear."

The line is from Elisabeth Elliot's book, Passion and Purity. God knew I needed to hear that. It was as if He'd highlighted those words, circled them, and put giant arrows pointing to them on the page. 

Going to Washington scares me; it really does. But I can't let that hold me back. I know if I don't go, I'm only holding myself back from something that will change my life forever, something that will make me the type of writer I dream to become.

And so these next three months leading up to my next adventure are going to be a time of preparation: prayer, studying, and gathering up any knowledge I can to survive living in Washington.

What is it that makes you fear? Here's a little bit of wisdom from the apostle Paul:

"For God is working in you, giving you the power to do what pleases Him."
   ~Philippians 2:13

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